Why do I need an Editor?

Have you just finished your first novel, and you’re wondering what to do with it? Are you thinking of submitting to an agent or KDP (Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing)? There are several steps before your manuscript is ready for submission, and one of the most important is to find an editor. Although there are severalContinue reading “Why do I need an Editor?”

Covid Kids Back at School

After a year and a half of being home, my kids are finally back in school, and somehow, I’m more stressed out. It has been a rough transition for us from all day everyday with me, to most days with a teacher, but I think we’re finally finding our rhythm. Which means I finally haveContinue reading “Covid Kids Back at School”

A Birthday of Memories

Every year, a few days before my birthday, I have deep and dark thoughts about missing my sister. Once the day actually comes, the anxiety dissipates, and I am able to find excitement in celebrating with the people who are still here. But those days leading up can be brutal. If you’re missing someone onContinue reading “A Birthday of Memories”

The Freedom of Exercise

It’s been a rough month over here. Hell, it’s been a rough year and a half 🙈. After struggling with my mental health through the pandemic, moving, and having the kids at home full-time, we all got Covid. Although the lingering physical effects of our illness took weeks to shake off, it has been hardContinue reading “The Freedom of Exercise”

Why Do We Lie?

While two of my children argued about who was being dishonest, a third piped up and said, “Telling the truth is hard.”  Have you ever thought about it? As an adult, we teach our children to tell the truth, but we wonder why it’s so difficult for them to follow through. Well, sometimes it’s hardContinue reading “Why Do We Lie?”

Building a Social Circle

For one of the first times in my life, I have nothing to say. I finished my book and had plans to bulk up on blog posts, but as soon as my story finished, my body shut down. As if the writing had been keeping me alive. I think I’ve been having a harder timeContinue reading “Building a Social Circle”

Friends, Family, & Politics

How do political discussions go in your family? Do you and your spouse agree on almost everything? Or do you disagree so vehemently you can’t even talk about it? Yev and I are somewhere in the middle, where we agree on a lot, but we can’t talk about politics for very long. Primarily because YevContinue reading “Friends, Family, & Politics”

Leaning into Love

I cried at preschool pick up this week. Twice. The air was hot, my emotions were awry, and my mask was stifling. Not a great combo for a mom without patience. I silently waited to the side for the girls to come out, keeping to myself when I usually make conversation. The other moms andContinue reading “Leaning into Love”

The Perfect Meal

I made the perfect meal tonight! A meal where everyone ate at least a little bit of everything served, and it only took 30 mins. Stooooop it, right?! I promise it’s true! It all began by realizing at 3pm that I never put the chili in the crock pot 🤦‍♀️. I’d been craving cornbread muffins,Continue reading “The Perfect Meal”